bodyguard could face slaughter by firing squad for letting dictator Kim Jong-un to leave home with white stains on his coat.

Images shared by state-run media outlet KCNA showed the North Korean tyrant with a mysterious stain on his arm, which sparked fears Kim’s staff could be punished for failing to protect his dignity in public.

Michael Madden, who studies developments in the Hermit Kingdom on his website – the North Korea Leadership Watch – said those found responsible could be demoted or sentenced to hard labour in one of Kim’s infamous penal colonies.

He added that even the most severe punishment, execution by firing squad, couldn’t be ruled out.

“My initial reaction was OMFG,” Mr Madden said.

“Personnel who have irritated the supreme leader are usually punished with demotions, hardship assignments or labour education.

On seeing the images, one North Korea expert was shocked and thought someone will definitely be in trouble with the tyrant

On seeing the images, one North Korea expert was shocked and thought someone will definitely be in trouble with the tyrant 


“It is unlikely that anyone will get shot over something like this – unless the leader is feeling particularly mercurial.

“But if he got angry about this then a few people will probably get sent to a construction site or a farm for a month or two to think about this minor transgression.”

He added: “It is not unheard of to be sent away for execution.

“There are accounts of the leader’s father, Kim Jong-il, having bodyguards and members of his personal staff sent to prisons and in one case to the firing squad for very minor offences.

“One unconfirmed story is that a member of his personal staff sat at his desk and smoked one of his cigarettes. Kim Jong-il discovered this and had the man shot.”