October 18, 2024

These Everyday Habits May Damage Your Kidneys

According to the National Kidney Foundation, kidney disease kills more than 90,000 Americans annually. That’s more than breast cancer or prostate cancer. If we want to live long, healthy lives, we need to take care of our kidneys. But our daily habits might be preventing us from doing that.

It’s not too late to unlearn these habits. Simple changes to your diet, supplements, and sleep will prevent kidney disease in the future. New habits may also prevent other illnesses such as diabetes. For the sake of your kidneys, consider changing these everyday habits.

Use Herbs Instead Of Salt

Eating excessive amounts of salt upsets the balance in your blood, which makes your kidneys struggle to remove water. According to 2018 research in the Journal of Clinical Hypertension, this could lead to kidney disease. Unfortunately, many Western diets tend to overindulge in salt.

Salt and pepper shakers sit near a plate of food at a diner.
Mario Tama/Getty Images

The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends that people limit their salt intake to one teaspoon per day, or 2,300 mg. That’s about one-third less than most people consume. Watch out for high sodium in pre-cooked and processed foods, as this is where kidney damage can sneak up on you.

Don’t Take Too Many Pain Relievers

Anti-inflammatory pain relievers are laid out in packets and bottles.
KAREN BLEIER/AFP via Getty Images

According to a study in the New England Journal of Medicine, heavy use of pain relievers like Advil results in 5,000 cases of kidney failure in the U.S. each year. But how much is too much? Researchers noted that the most dangerous time to take painkillers is after fasting. If you take pain relievers with food occasionally for a headache, you should be fine.

According to Stanford medical professor Dr. Grant Lipman, pain relievers decrease the blood flow to your kidneys. Over time, this could cause your kidneys some serious strain. Dr. Lipman says that one in five marathon runners will develop the risk of kidney damage.

Treat Yourself When You Get Sick

A young woman uses a tissue to blow her nose.
Christina Sabrowsky/picture alliance via Getty Images

The Center for Disease Control estimates that most people get two to three colds a year. Although these common illnesses are annoying, don’t ignore them. The longer you’re sick, the more antibodies your body will produce. Over time, these antibodies may inflame your kidneys.

Don’t be one of the 72% of Americans who go to work while sick. Be very cautious of bacterial infections such as strep throat and ear infections, because these have the highest risk of straining your kidneys. Take care of yourself to get well as soon as possible.


Don’t Hold It In

Public washroom or bathroom sign hanging from the ceiling of Pearson International Airport.
Roberto Machado Noa/LightRocket via Getty Images

Believe it or not, holding in your pee is a primary cause of kidney problems. Dr. Cheamandeep Bali of Toronto Naturopathic Health Clinic told Huffington Post that ignoring nature’s call causes many health problems. The longer that urine stays in your body, the more bacteria it produces. When bacteria travels to your kidneys, you’re in trouble, Dr. Bali says.

Urologist Mark Gordon says that most people use the restroom eight to 10 times a day. Sometimes, you have to hold in your urine, but don’t make that a routine. If you have to go, you have to go.


The Danger Of Processed Foods

Canned food sits on the shelf at the San Francisco Food Bank.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

To stay fresh for longer, processed foods often contain high amounts of sodium, which will damage your kidneys. But that’s not the only kidney-harming nutrient in processed food, according to NEPHCURE Kidney International. Other culprits include potassium and phosphorus.

While kidneys usually filter through potassium levels, too much potassium can put a strain on kidneys. The same goes for phosphorus. People with weak or ailing kidneys have to limit the amount of potassium and phosphorus they consume. If you eat processed foods sparingly, you won’t have this problem.


Steer Clear Of Soda

Woman looks at a fridge full of soda.

Unlike other drinks, soda provides no nutrients other than sugar. A typical 12-ounce soda has as much sugar as three and a half donuts. Researchers agree that drinking two or more sodas a day doubles your risk of kidney disease.

And it’s not just the sugar. In 2007, researchers noted that cola increases kidney risk due to its phosphoric acid. This acid threatens to mess with gene mutation to damage kidneys over time. Limiting your soda intake to one a day will drastically improve your health. Better yet, restrict your soda splurge to once a week.

Stick To Your Prescription

Robert Granville reaches for a medicine bottle as he takes his prescription pills.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Take your daily medications as prescribed. Even if you feel better, stopping or pausing your medication can hurt your kidneys. In particular, blood pressure and pain medications put a strain on your kidneys if you take them sporadically. Some can cause a “rebound” where a patient experiences a second heart attack or kidney failure.

Kidneys benefit from routine. If you change your medication every day, you’ll throw your entire body off. Talk to your doctor about whether your medication could harm your kidneys. Some antibiotics pose a substantial threat to kidney health.


Research Your Supplements Before You Take Them

A customer looks at vitamins in a store.
Darren McCollester/Getty Images

If you take daily supplements or vitamins, beware. High doses of certain supplements have been reported to harm your kidneys. A 2012 review by the American Society of Nephrology pinpoints the main culprits: cranberry, willow bark, wormwood oil, licorice, geranium, and vitamin C.

In particular, high doses of vitamin C and cranberry increase your risk of kidney stones. If you have a pre-existing condition, such as diabetes or an auto-immune disorder, consult your doctor before taking supplements. Even natural supplements like turmeric will hurt your kidneys if combined with certain medications.

You’re Exercising, Right?

A jogger runs past the green coating on Regent's Canal following a huge increase in the amount of duck weed
Leon Neal/Getty Images

Regular exercise isn’t just for dieters. It’s also for those who care about kidney health. The National Kidney Foundation states that exercise lowers blood pressure, improves sleep, and enhances muscle function. In other words, exercise reduces all the major risk factors for kidney disease.

You don’t have to go hard to see the benefits. During a 2019 study, people with kidney disease benefited from 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. That’s a little over 20 minutes of walking, gardening, dancing, or biking per day. Plus, exercise releases endorphins to help you feel happier.

Don’t Go Too Hard At The Gym

Members of Gold's Gym work out on treadmills.
Melanie Stetson Freeman/The Christian Science Monitor via Getty Images

It is possible to “exercise yourself to death.” Rhabdomyolysis, often called Rhabdo, is a syndrome caused by muscle breakdown. When several muscles are injured, they release enzymes that hurt your kidneys. In 40% of cases, this can result in kidney failure.

Rhabdomyolysis is dangerous but rare. Dr. Maureen Brogan of New York Medical College says that most cases occur during the first class. For instance, if a person goes to hard during their first time cycling, they’re at a higher risk. Muscles need to build up slowly, so don’t push yourself too hard.

Lighten Up On The Energy Drinks

Man reaches into a gas station fridge to get an energy drink.

Researchers are demanding that the FDA regulate energy drinks, which they have yet to do. Why? Because a study in Frontiers in Public Health links kidney disease to energy drinks, especially in children. Excess caffeine produces high blood pressure and stress, all of which lead to kidney damage.

Another concern revolves around the amino acid taurine. Often found in energy drinks and sports supplements, taurine tackles the kidneys head-on and is potentially dangerous to those with chronic kidney disorders. Until more research is done, err on the side of caution and limit your energy drinks.

Are You Drinking Enough Water?


One of the kidney’s main roles is to filter water, so you must keep it hydrated. The National Hydration Council reported that most kidney stones result from chronic dehydration. When you’re dehydrated, your urine has a higher concentration of minerals. These minerals can form crystals inside your kidney that grow into stones.

According to the National Kidney Foundation, there’s no hard rule on how much water you should drink. The Institute of Medicine estimates nine cups a day for women and 13 for men. But your recommended water intake varies depending on how thirsty you feel.

Too Much Red Meat Is Possibly Toxic

Man grills lamb kebabs.
Barry Chin/The Boston Globe via Getty Images

While eating red meat is healthy on occasion, consuming too much will hurt your kidneys over time. The Journal of the American Society of Nephrology confirms that red meat is “possibly kidney toxic.” The reason is still unclear, but researchers suggest that red meat may produce too much dietary acid.

On the flip side, plant-based proteins repair kidney injury. According to the research, replacing one serving of red meat per week lowers your risk of kidney disease by 62%. It’s a tiny change that could impact your health in the long run.

It’s Good To Stand Up More Often, When Possible

Karen Burke, the president of Kare Products, works standing at her desk.
Marty Caivano/Digital First Media/Boulder Daily Camera via Getty Images

If you have a sedentary job, you’ll want to watch out. Sitting for extended periods every day results in a higher risk of kidney disease. During a 2018 study in PLoS One, researchers found that an extra hour of physical activity per day reduces your chances of kidney failure significantly.

Researchers still don’t understand why sitting encourages kidney disease. Dr. Thomas Yates of the University of Lancaster suggests that exercise leads to lower blood glucose and cholesterol. High blood sugar and blood pressure both contribute to kidney failure. Standing instead of sitting will improve your kidney health.

Try Not To Overeat, Even During The Holidays

Kids participate in a pie eating contest.

During holidays and celebrations, many people treat themselves by eating too much. But overeating strains your kidneys, according to Dr. Sreedhar Mandayam of Baylor College. The more you eat, the harder your kidneys work to sift through all the food, says Dr. Mandayam.

The worst overeating combination involves a lot of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Unfortunately, most Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners include these. You can indulge occasionally, but take care not to overeat regularly. Limit your portion sizes and only eat when you’re hungry, not tired or bored.

Work To Lower Stress

Stressed man contemplates his existence in front of bright lights.

Chronic stress leads to kidney disease. For years, researchers have agreed that stress harms your kidney health, although they still don’t understand why. In Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease, scientists speculate that stress raises blood pressure, which scars your kidneys over time.

When people feel stressed, their eating and sleep often decline, which can become a cause for kidney problems. If you’re struggling with chronic stress, tackle it first by contacting a mental health professional. It could be the root of your other health problems.

Substitute Sugar

Person pours sugar into an espresso coffee.
Jeffrey Greenberg/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

In moderate amounts, sugar isn’t a problem for your kidneys. The issue arises when your blood sugar rises too high. According to the American Diabetes Association, high blood sugar and diabetes force the kidneys to filter too much blood. Overworking can cause the kidneys to develop diseases over time.

Researchers from the University of Montreal found a symbiotic relationship between diabetes and kidney disease. Diabetes causes kidney disease, and kidney disease can cause diabetes. Get your blood glucose checked regularly to prevent the chance of both diseases, and limit your sugar intake.

When You Stay Up Late, Your Kidneys Are Overworked

12-year-old schoolboy falls asleep on his homework.
Godong/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

In 2016, researchers from the University of Chicago linked poor sleep to a higher risk of kidney disease. Participants who slept 6.5 hours a night had a 19% higher chance of kidney failure. The reason is that your sleeping cycle tells your kidneys when to work and when to rest.

Researchers for the National Kidney Foundation explain that when you stay up late, your kidneys continue to work hard. Over time, chronic sleep disruption can tire out these organs. Remember that you need between seven and nine hours per sleep every night.

Skip The Butter

Butter fries in a pan, close-up.
Godong/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

A recent health trend advocates for replacing margarine with butter. In terms of your kidneys, this isn’t a good option. Butter contains saturated fats which, in high amounts, can damage your kidneys. According to the National Kidney Foundation, these fats raise LDL cholesterol (the “bad” kind) that harm your kidneys.

You can enjoy butter in small amounts, but don’t eat it every day. If you use margarine instead, look for one with no trans fat or “hydrogenated” fats. Trans fats are worse than saturated fats in raising LDL cholesterol.

Don’t Light Up


Most people know that smoking hurts your lungs and heart. But did you know that it damages your kidneys, too? During a 2000 study in Annals of Internal Medicine, chronic smokers (current and former) had a higher risk of kidney disease. Substance abuse creates creatinine that injures your kidneys.

To make matters worse, this kidney damage does not create symptoms. So people might be poisoning their kidneys without even knowing. The one bright side is that former smokers have less damage than current smokers. It’s never too late to quit.

Artificial Sweeteners Aren’t Much Better

Packets of the popular sugar substitute Splenda are on a counter.
Mario Tama/Getty Images

While a packet of Splenda may lower your calorie count, a growing body of research suggests that it harms your body. During a 2009 study, researchers discovered that drinking diet soda (an artificially-sweetened drink) increases the risk of kidney disease by 30%.

According to the researchers, less than two artificially-sweetened drinks per day won’t hurt your kidneys. Although more research needs to be done on the topic, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Replace your artificial sweeteners with honey or Stevia if you want a sweet iced tea.

Only Drink In Moderation

People cheer with tiny, empty wine glasses in 1970.
Blick/RDB/ullstein bild via Getty Images

Drinking forces your kidneys to filter more harmful substances. If you drink frequently, you’ll cause your kidneys to overwork. The National Kidney Foundation defines over-drinking as “more than four drinks daily.” One drink equals a single glass, 12-ounce bottle, or shot.

On the other hand, a 2005 study discovered drinking in moderation may benefit your kidneys. Participants who had at least seven drinks per week (one or two glasses every day) experienced a 30% lower risk of kidney dysfunction. If you are a drinker, limit your servings to stay healthy.

Don’t Use Bodybuilding Medications

Body builders attend a special body building experience hosted by Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Jerod Harris/Getty Images for MusclePharm

Athletes who use steroids may gain muscle, but they’ll cripple their kidneys. During a 2009 study, researchers found that nine out of ten bodybuilders developed kidney scarring from bodybuilding medications. When the athletes stopped using these steroids, their kidneys healed over time.

The American Society of Nephrology advises against steroids. They can raise your cholesterol, lower protein in your blood, and cause swelling–all of which harm kidneys. While you can take steroids for some kidney treatments, don’t take bodybuilding medications recreationally.

Some Heartburn Drugs Hurt You Over Time

Senior man with chest pain is comforted by his concerned wife.
John Greim/LightRocket via Getty Images

While some heartburn medications are safe to take every day, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) aren’t. Research in Kidney International suggests that PPIs, which suppress the acid in your stomach, may impair your kidneys over time. Regularly taking PPIs raises your risk of chronic kidney disease by 26%.

Fortunately, H2 Blockers (a different type of heartburn medication) didn’t produce these effects. If you need to take daily heartburn medication, talk to your doctor about switching to an H2 Blocker. If you only take PPIs occasionally–perhaps once every couple of days–you don’t have to worry.

Check Your Blood Pressure Regularly

Negash Berhe has his blood pressure checked with a monitor.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Blood pressure is called “the silent killer” because it doesn’t produce symptoms. The American Heart Association recommends getting your blood pressure checked every two years. If you don’t, you’re putting yourself at risk for kidney disease. High blood pressure ruptures the blood vessels inside of your kidneys.

Once your blood vessels fail, your kidneys can’t regulate blood pressure. Then, your blood pressure rises very quickly. Don’t ignore your doctors’ recommendations to get your blood pressure checked. It’s quick and prevents several diseases.

Do You Really Need Another Cup Of Coffee?

A customer carries a cup of coffee to her table at Colson Patisserie.
Bryan Thomas/Getty Images

Regularly drinking coffee doesn’t harm your kidneys. But if you have several cups a day, you may want to consider the risks, according to the National Kidney Foundation. Caffeine creates sudden spikes in blood pressure. Although research has yet to conclude the effect this has on kidneys, you may want to be wary.

Dr. Jessica Saville of the National Kidney Foundation recommends drinking less than four cups of coffee per day. Remember that coffee additives, such as cream or flavored syrup in lattes, increases the amount of sugar and fats in your diet. These also injure your kidneys over time.

Limit Shellfish In Your Diet

A pan of curry shrimp lies against a wooden table.

Eating too much seafood–especially shellfish–will beat at your kidneys over time. In the 2014 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, researchers found a toxic chemical called domoic acid. Also called “Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning,” domoic acid injures your kidneys.

According to the research, low quantities of domoic acid still do harm. To put this in perspective, you would need 100 times the quantity to hurt your brain, but it still hurts your kidneys. If you eat a lot of seafood, you may want to cut back. You have a higher risk of kidney disease than most people.

How MRIs, CT Scans And X-Rays May Hurt You

X-ray of patients chest is being reviewed on an illuminated wall-mounted monitoring screen.
Universal Images Group via Getty Images

While getting an MRI isn’t a habit, it’s still an action that could contribute to kidney harm. The tests themselves aren’t an issue, but the contrast dye used could cause problems. The effect of these dyes resulted in a new disease called Contrast Induced Nephropathy (CIN).

According to the National Kidney Foundation, CIN causes the kidneys to shut down for two to three days. Fortunately, CIN is reversible, and only certain contrast dyes increase the risk of this illness. Talk to a health professional if you’re worried about contracting CIN.

Eat Certain Kinds Of Fat

Ozge Elif Kizil/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

Our bodies need healthy fats such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. The “bad fat” that people advise against is trans fat, often found in industry-produced foods such as refrigerator dough and creamers. In the British Medical Journal (BMJ), a 2015 study observed that saturated fat does not harm the heart, but trans fat increases the risk of disease by 21%.

According to the American Heart Association, trans fat raises LDL cholesterol, the “bad” cholesterol that harms our heart. Watch out for hydrogenated oils, a trans-fat solution that the FDA doesn’t consider safe. Whenever you can, pick out foods with 0% trans fat.

Here’s Another Reason To Get More Sleep

Sean Gallup/Getty Images

In 2014, researchers reported the heart-healthy habits of people who they had studied for over ten years. Of all the habits, sufficient sleep was given an honorary mention in the European Journal of Preventative Cardiology. Aiming to sleep for at least seven hours a night significantly keeps your heart healthy and disease-free.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, deep sleep activates chemicals that relax your heart rate and blood pressure. Prolonged periods of restlessness, such as with sleep apnea, increase the risk of heart disease by 58%. If you’re struggling to catch seven hours of sleep, talk to your doctor.

For The Sake Of Your Heart, Check Your Stress


When we’re incredibly stressed, our breathing quickens, our muscles tense, and our heart rate accelerates. These are physiological results of stress that have a real impact on your heart. Chronic stress may wear out your heart over time, even in those with no prior history of cardiovascular disease.

“This isn’t just an anxiety attack,” asserts Dr. Deepak Bhatt, director of the Integrated Interventional Cardiovascular Program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. “When you do a cardiac catheterization procedure on [these patients], an artery that was previously open is now closed.” Engage in a stress-relieving activity such as meditation, a bath, or playing video games, for ten to 15 minutes every day.

Seriously, Eat More Fruits And Vegetables

Will Ireland/Future via Getty Images

Which fruits and vegetables support your heart? That’s easy: they all do. In 2017, researchers scrutinized 95 studies and recorded their findings in the International Journal of Epidemiology. They found that five servings (about 2.5 cups) of fruits and vegetables per day slightly lowers your risk of heart disease. Upping that portion to ten servings decreases your risk by 28% and premature death by 31%.

According to the study, the foods that offered the most benefits include apples, citrus fruits, pears, leafy green vegetables, and yellow-orange vegetables. In short, any fruit or vegetable will help.

Don’t Keep The TV On All Day


In 2015, researchers assembled data after studying almost 70,000 women over 20 years. When the study began, nearly all women had diabetes or heart disease, and many cut their heart attack risk by 92%. One of the six healthy habits that they mentioned was watching less than seven hours of TV weekly.

The simple explanation is that TV time robs you of exercise time. A 2019 study in the Journal of the American Heart Association noted that those who watch TV and exercise don’t lower their heart health. Otherwise, watching four hours of TV a day is worse for your heart than a desk job, the study concluded.

Just Fifteen Minutes Of Exercise Helps You Live Longer

Holde Schneider/Bongarts/Getty Images

Exercise strengthens your heart, lowers your blood pressure, and reduces stress. Although many people know this, they still debate over how intensely one should exercise. In 2016, research from The American Journal of Medicine analyzed exercise intensity. The authors found that 15 minutes of daily exercise lengthened one’s life three years beyond their peers’.

“The truth is that if you’re exercising for health, it takes very little effort to see enormous benefits,” said Dr. Harvey Simon, the study’s author and an associate professor at the Massachusetts General Hospital. He claimed that 15 minutes of walking or gardening lowers one’s risk of heart attack and stroke.

Your Friends Can Literally Save Your Heart

As Winters short days and dark nights rapidly approach, Impulse, 15 glowing musical seesaws transforms the South Exhibition Common at 235 Queens Quay West into an illuminated urban playground.
Steve Russell/Toronto Star via Getty Images

If you need another reason to maintain fulfilling relationships, here’s one. Research shows that your friendships impact your heart health. In a 2017 study by the American Heart Association, scientists found that more social integration means less heart disease. This research was backed by a ten-year study review in Frontiers in Psychology.

According to Boston Scientific, researchers believe that social interaction reduces stress and depression, both of which contribute to cardiovascular disease down the line. If you want to carve out more social time, join a support group, adopt a pet, or volunteer at an organization.

Drink Water–At Least Five Glasses A Day

Matthew Peters/Manchester United via Getty Images

Dehydration results in a less-healthy heart, according to a 2002 study in the American Journal of Epidemiology. Drinking five glasses daily will keep your heart strong and happy. In contrast, drinking two or fewer glasses of water may weaken your heart over time and open the gates to cardiovascular disease.

Research in the British Journal of Haematology found that blood viscosity directly relates to heart health. The thicker your blood is, the harder your heart works, which may tire it over time. Drinking plenty of water will lower your blood viscosity, so your heart can work with little strain.

Stand Up!

Matthew J. Lee/The Boston Globe via Getty Images

Desk jobs are as hard on the back as they are on the heart. In 2015, a meta-analysis of 41 studies noted that remaining sedentary increases adults’ risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. In another 2019 study, researchers stated that eliminating an hour of sitting time per day lowers the likelihood of heart disease by 26%.

The trick is to not sit for too long. If you have a standing desk, use it. Take brief walks throughout the day, or park your car farther away from your office. Consistent exercise will improve your heart health as well.

Measure Your Blood Pressure Frequently

Sean Gallup/Getty Images

According to a scientific analysis in The Lancet, high blood pressure was the leading cause of heart disease in 2010. This condition leads to hypertensive heart disease, which thickens the heart and narrows the arteries. The American Heart Association asserts that avoiding high blood pressure “should be a healthcare priority.”

If you don’t have high blood pressure, work to prevent it. Checking your blood pressure once a month or even once a year can help. A 2015 study in The New England Journal of Medicine reports that the risk of heart disease lowers with a blood pressure of 120 mm Hg or less.

Don’t Assume That You’re In The Clear

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If you haven’t had a blood pressure, cholesterol, or blood sugar check-up in a couple of years, you’ve waited too long. The American Heart Association recommends getting your blood pressure checked once a year since symptoms don’t appear in most people. Blood glucose should be measured every three years, and cholesterol should be monitored every four to six years.

“Don’t assume you’re not at risk,” advises Dr. Robert Ostfeld, director of preventive cardiology at Montefiore Health System. If your cholesterol or blood sugar levels aren’t in the normal range, you’ll need more frequent check-ups and possibly medication.

Know Your Ideal BMI


Weight is a touchy subject because it often tugs at peoples’ self-esteem. But for doctors, weight is less about what you look like and more about heart health. Along with other studies, 2018 research in JAMA Cardiology concluded that high BMI (body mass index) leads to a higher risk of heart disease.

To maintain a healthy BMI, you need to know yours first. Visit a doctor to learn about a healthy weight range, as online BMI charts don’t take individual body types into account. “There is no one-size-fits-all,” says Dr. Chanté Wiegand, ND, a Naturopathic Doctor and Director of Education at The Synergy Company.

To Help Your Heart, Brush Your Teeth Daily

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Believe it or not, gum disease carries some of the same risk factors as heart disease. According to Harvard Health, bacteria in the gums may travel to blood vessels. These bacteria inflame the arteries and create tiny blood clots that heighten the risk of stroke. Study after study has reported this correlation.

There is some debate over how much influence oral health has on the heart. In 2012, scientists from the American Heart Association reviewed several studies and decided that gum disease doesn’t always harm the heart. Even so, you’ll want to brush and floss daily if you can.

These Tips Can Help You Burn Fat While Sleeping

Losing weight is one of the most difficult things people deal with daily. While eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly are two of the best ways to burn fat, the things people do while they sleep can make a difference. Habits such as getting the right amount of sleep, drinking tea, and sleeping in a dark room can actually help people lose weight. Keep reading to see which sleeping habits could burn fat.

Keep Track Of How Long You’re Sleeping

a man sleeping with his dog
Juan Garcia/Unsplash

One of the most important things a healthy individual can do is to get plenty of sleep every night. The average adult needs about seven to nine hours of sleep, and anything less can lead to weight gain.

“Sleep is necessary for normal body hormone and immune system function. A sleep deprived or sleepy brain is a hungry brain. Poor sleep leads to weight gain,” said Dr. Richard K. Bogan, a professor at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine and sleep researcher.

Try Not To Eat At Night

a woman eating a taco at night
Jarritos Mexican Soda/Unsplash

The body digests food throughout the day differently than it does at night. Eating food at night makes it easier for the body to gain weight.

“One of the fastest ways to get rid of body fat is to prevent surges of insulin at night, which will take unused calories and store them as fat,” said Dr. Robert Zembroski, a functional medicine doctor and clinical nutritionist. Those who need to eat something during the night should stick to lean protein or greens.

See if this bad habit is causing you to gain weight while sleeping!

Give Yourself Time To Relax

a girl with her face down and palms up doing yoga
Conscious Design/Unsplash

It’s common for people to have trouble falling asleep after thinking about the stresses of daily life. In order to get those feelings to subside, it’s best to give the mind and body some time to relax before bed.

This can be done in numerous ways, such as breathing techniques, meditation, yoga, or stretching. “Yoga offers a variety of benefits, from increased flexibility and strength to a calmer mind,” said Mark Balfe-Taylor, a director of yoga at TruFusion.

Turn Off Your Devices

a girl on her phone at night in bed
Godong/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

According to Reviews.org, about 62 percent of Americans say they sleep with their phones at night and spend about 50 minutes on them before they go to bed. Going on your devices before bed can actually hinder your sleep.

Phone, tablet, and laptop screens produce blue light, which keeps people awake. It sends a signal to our body that it’s still daytime. Also, blue light increases hunger and resistance to insulin. There’s a setting on most devices to minimize the blue light during the nighttime, but it’s best to set a cut-off time about one to two hours before bed.

Keep Your Bedroom As Dark As Possible

a boy sleeping in his bed
Andrew Lichtenstein/Getty Images

It’s important to notice your sleep surroundings because they can actually make a difference in your physical and mental health. According to Muscle & Fitness, it’s best to sleep in total darkness.

This helps the body release melatonin, which regulates sleep, blood pressure, body temperature, and the stress hormone cortisol. Bedtime light has also been linked to depression and weight gain. Additionally, a 10-year study found that women who were exposed to light while sleeping had 22 percent more of a chance of developing breast cancer.

Time For Tea

a mug of tea on a table
TeaCora Rooibos/Unsplash

Winding down for the night is different for everybody, so it’s good to find a way to get yourself to relax. Julia Falamas, a coach at CrossFit SPOT in New York, suggests grabbing a cup of tea before bed.

“There is something about the ritual of sitting down to a soothing cup of tea that tells your brain to slow down and relax,” said Falamas. Not all teas are great for bedtime, so try some with sedative properties such as valerian, lavender, chamomile, or peppermint.

Make Sure Your Room Stays Cool

a woman sleeping in her bed
Bruce Mars/Unsplash

If you find yourself sleeping in a warm bedroom, you should reconsider your sleeping habits. Sleeping while warm prevents the body from metabolizing fat. Instead, people should sleep in a room that’s 66 degrees Fahrenheit or colder.

According to HerBeauty, sleeping in a cold room helps the body metabolize fat and increases the amount of calorie-burning by a whopping 42 percent. The cold temperature can also help with insulin sensitivity and decreases the risk of diabetes.

This is the most important thing humans need to survive. Read on to learn what it is…

Eat A Lot Of Protein Throughout The Day

grilled chicken, zucchini, peppers, green beans, carrots, lemons, and rosemary on a wooden plate
Mark DeYoung/Unsplash

Being mindful of what you’re putting in your body is crucial for weight loss. One of the most helpful ways to do so is by eating a lot of protein throughout the day.

Giving the body enough protein can stabilize blood sugar levels, which can speed up metabolism during the day and night. Protein also fills you up, which can stop you from overeating. Nutritionist James Collier suggests consuming between 30 to 35 grams per meal with foods such as chicken, turkey breast, beans, quinoa, nuts, and edamame.

Practice Some Resistance Training Before Bed

a woman squatting while holding a weight
Sergio Pedemonte/Unsplash

Doing certain kinds of exercises before bed is a great way to help you burn fat while you sleep. Resistance training is something people should try because it is one of the fastest ways to boost metabolism.

According to a study from the International Journal of Sport Nutrition, the subjects who performed resistance training before going to sleep had a higher metabolic rate for about 16 hours after their workout. Resistance training can be anything from weight lifting, planks, or squats. Exercising before bed can be too stimulating for some people, though, so do what works for you!

Remember To Stay Hydrated

A tub filled with ice and plastic bottles of Dasani purified bottled water
Robert Alexander/Getty Images

Our bodies need to stay hydrated in order for us to function properly. Medical News Today states that humans are made up of 60 percent water and 90 percent of that is in our blood.

Water is essential for kidney function and can boost metabolism. “Drinking at least eight cups of water a day has been shown to boost metabolism. In addition, ice-cold water requires your body to use more calories to heat it to body temperature, providing you an added metabolism boosting benefit,” said Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDE.

Try Taking A Hot Shower At Night

Close-up of a stainless steel shower with tiled wall
Quick Image/Construction Photography/Avalon/Getty Images

If you normally bathe or shower during the morning or afternoon, it may be time to switch things up. Those who want to burn fat while sleeping should shower shortly before they get in bed.

“A hot shower is great for ensuring a good night’s sleep because it can help relieve tension and relax sore muscles,” said CrossFit coach Julia Falamas. After a hot shower, our body temperature will rise and then quickly decrease, which can stabilize metabolism.

Incorporate Intermittent Fasting Into Your Routine

a man sleeping with his dog
Jamie Street/Unsplash

Those who aren’t used to intermittent fasting may be intimidated when they first start. Intermittent fasting means someone isn’t consuming food for a long period of time, which usually lasts eight to 12 hours.

HerBeauty stated that intermittent fasting is completely healthy and allows the cells in your body to repair themselves. When the body is fasting, it causes the human growth hormone to increase. This helps your muscles, reduces insulin resistance, and burns fat while you sleep.

Keep reading to see how this sleep habit can spice up your life!

Shake Up Your Daily Walks

a man walking near an orange wall
Clem Onojeghuo/Unsplash

Getting enough exercise throughout the day is essential for a healthy lifestyle. Even exercising hours before you get ready for bed can still keep your body burning calories. While many people go for daily walks, they may need to step it up to burn more calories.

This doesn’t need to be anything drastic. Today suggests people walk with a pair of one to three-pound dumbbells or strap on some ankle weights. This turns your daily walk into both a strength training and cardio session.


Start Drinking Casein Shakes

Casein Protein shakes on display
EMPICS Sport – PA Images via Getty Images

Those who want to consume a large amount of protein before bed should consider drinking casein shakes. These take about six to eight hours for the body to break down, so it keeps your metabolism active all night.

Since it takes a while to break down, people end up waking up full and refreshed. Researchers at Maastricht University found that casein is great for overnight protein synthesis, which is crucial for muscle repair and strength.

Make Things Spicier

a large spoon of red chili powder
Bruno Vincent/Getty Images

Those who are trying to lose weight and love spicy food are in luck. Consuming cayenne pepper, red pepper flakes, and other types of hot peppers can help with a fat-burning process called thermogenesis.

“The capsaicin found in these foods has been shown to have a thermogenic effect, helping your body to burn more calories and fat,” said Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDE. While spicy foods won’t make too much of a difference, they can really help if someone has reached a plateau in their weight loss journey.

Stay Away From Chocolate

pieces of dark chocolate
Charisse Kenion/Unsplash

There are actually a lot of benefits to dark chocolate, such as antioxidants and minerals, but it isn’t the best nighttime snack. Dark chocolate contains about 40 to 50 milligrams of caffeine per serving, so it can keep you up. Dark chocolate almost has as much caffeine as a cup of coffee.

As the body starts getting ready to shut down, the caffeine causes people to disrupt their circadian rhythm. Anything with sugar or caffeine is not recommended during the night.

Invest In Some Blackout Curtains

a dimly lit bedroom with curtains
Nick Wright/Unsplash

While turning off the television and other devices is a great thing to do before going to sleep, outside light can also disrupt your sleep. This is why people should have dark or blackout curtains in their bedroom to block out the outside light.

HerBeauty states that humans will naturally produce melatonin after the sun goes down, but indoor and outdoor lights can slow the process. Not getting enough melatonin can cause people to experience weight gain.

Coming up: Many people eat way too much food during this core meal…

Stock Up On Cottage Cheese

cottage cheese with a spoon in a bowl
Roberto Machado Noa/LightRocket via Getty Images

Those being mindful of their weight might choose to not eat before bed. While this is a great tool, it doesn’t work for everyone. If someone goes a long time without eating during the night, it can cause them to binge eat when they wake up.

In order to prevent this from happening, there are some snacks that are okay to consume. Having a small serving of cottage cheese before bed is a smart choice. It contains casein protein, amino acid, and tryptophan, which reduce hunger and increase sleep quality.

Only Eat Carbs During The Day

Gustavo Caballero/Getty Images for IMG

People who are trying to lose weight should be mindful of their carb intake and consume as little as possible. Eating carbohydrates before going to sleep is one of the quickest ways to gain weight.

Muscle & Fitness suggests people eat the majority of their daily calories and carbs during daytime hours with a cut-off time at the early evening. This allows people to lower the amount of insulin in their blood, which is better for metabolizing fat.

Source: healthygem.com

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